Frequently Asked Questions

  • Scheduling an appointment
    The fastest way to set up a first appointment would be to call our office (608.405.3002) and speak with our Intake Specialist or email us at [email protected].
  • Session Length
    Generally between 45 minutes and 90 minutes long depending on a variety of factors.
  • When Do I Have To Pay?
    Any fees paid out-of-pocket by the consumer (you) are expected at the time of services, unless prior arrangements have been made. We will try to accurately inform you of any payment that will be expected prior to your first session. However, changes to insurance may alter your contributions towards the bill prior to the first session and during treatment. While we will try to keep you informed of any changes in your insurance, you are ultimately financially responsible for all services received at Our Generations.
  • Do you prescribe medication?
    No. Our therapists are psychologists, psychotherapists and counselors we are not licensed to prescribe medication.
  • Will my sessions be private?
    Yes. Whenever you see a mental health professional, your communication with that professional is confidential. This means that we cannot release any information about you without your written permission. However, there is an exception to this confidentiality -- if there is an immediate threat to a person’s life, we are required by Wisconsin law to do what is necessary to keep people safe.
  • Why do people seek counseling?
    Many people seek counseling to enhance their relationship or to improve their behaviors, moods or thoughts. People who value wellness seek counseling.

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